Cyber Threat Intelligence Services

    QRadar Implementation Services, Incident Handling Plan Development, Managed Security Services, Secure Hosting Services, Cyber SOC Assessment, Systems Hardening and Digital Forensics

    Leverage your threat intelligence capabilities

    Cyber Threat Intelligence Services aims to strategically plan, design and develop your cyber threat intelligence processes and technical systems within your IT infrastructure operations to optimize your ability to consume, analyze and apply threat intelligence to protect the business. Our services focus workforce, process and technical solutions to develop our clients adaptive intelligence-driven cyber security platforms.

    IBM QRadar SIEM Deployment

    IBM QRadar SIEM Deployment

    We help our clients to design and size QRadar SIEM architecture based on their technical and business requirements by our Cyber Defense Center architects, then the deployment team will work on installing the system based on the recommendations of the architects and IBM best practices.
    QRadar deployment service also includes configuring, tunning the system rules, top stop the false positives and to have a trusted security view.
    In addition SAFEDENY team will work with the system stakeholders to understand their security concerns and build the needed dashboards and compliance reports to meet their needs.
    SAFEDENY also provide extra services to build Custom Log Sources to support the unsupported log sources by IBM QRadar using the uDSM/LSXs

    Cyber SOC Assessment

    Cyber SOC Assessment

    This service designed to: Develop a detailed CSOC assessment and gap analysis Reports, Develop a detailed security enhancement and recommendation report based on international standards covering: Process , People and Technologies. In addition to Plan for Correction and enhancement activities.
    Main Activities included: Assess SOC resources: SOC team, SOC tools and solutions, operations and services SOC provided to all parties (internally and externally), Assess SOC shifts, handover process and procedures, Assess all SOC processes and daily operations handled by SOC and Assess SOC roles and responsibilities.
    One of the core components of the CSOC in the SIEM, where the following areas included in the CSOC assessment: Security events and incidents analysis capabilities,Integrations, with diversity of computer and network systems capabilities, Events & incidents information storage and backup capabilities, Roles and responsibilities, The configured real-time dashboards, Ticketing features, Security events aggregation capabilities, Security incidents correlation capabilities, Any security configuration holes and weakness.

    Incident Handling Plan Development

    Incident Handling Plan Development

    Planning ahead for an event has proven much more effective at mitigating the impact than simply reacting to whatever comes.
    Incident Response Plan (IRP) aims to provide an effective incident mitigating procedure to your organization, IRP is a framework for how to identify, protect, detect, respond and recover from security incidents.
    SAFEDENY can help your organization to develop an IRP procedures for the expected incidents, turning a disaster into learn case.

    Managed Security Services

    Managed Security Services

    Companies and organizations today face a high rate of cyber-attacks, since the increase of internet connectivity and speed, leading to increase the demand of cyber security. Managed Security Services provide round-the-clock monitoring of intrusion detection, managing fire walls, vulnerability scanning and assessment.

    Managed Secure Web Hosting Service

    Managed Secure Hosting Service

    While SSL certificates guarantee a secure browsing for the legitimate users, it does not prevent cyber threats from breaching your server.
    SAFEDENY offer “Managed Secure Hosting Service” in order to help its clients to protect their servers/VPS from the cyber threats by hardening their web portals and its hosting servers using proactive defense systems and web application firewall to block all the web attacks in addition to monitor all the activities on the servers 24/7/365 through our “Cyber Defense Center” in order to report any suspicious activities targeting the web portal or the underling OS.

    Digital Forensics

    Digital Forensics

    Digital forensics is the process of investigating cyber-crimes in order to provide an evidence to a court of law. The main functions of digital forensics are identifying, preserving, recovering, analyzing and presenting facts as an evidence of cyber-crimes. Digital Forensics divided to sub branches such as: computer forensics, network forensics, forensic data analysis and mobile device forensics.

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